How do you achieve that perfect balance between being organised and being over-prepared?
Running lists.
Your next fav to do list is officially here: The Weekly Planner
I personally love planning. I'm a list maker, a strategist, a task designer. If I'm planning out an entire month however I get overwhelmed and don't achieve much of anything. And if I'm just focusing on my productivity day-to-day I over-promise and under deliver. Weekly productivity planning is the sweet spot. You can map your tasks out over an entire week ahead instead of piling up a massive single day to-do list, and without looking too far ahead.
Your notebook is a weekly task management dashboard and uses an adaptation of the Alistair method. This bullet journalling approach centralises task progress and keeps a running list of how it's all going.
As with all of our specialty journals, it uses a minimalist bullet journalling aesthetic to keep the chaos to a minimum and give that brilliant brain of yours room for its daily creative outlet.
Lastly, if you're like me then you quickly lose interest if you've missed a month, a week or a day along the way. So we've kept this annual planner undated. Pick up and run with it whenever you need to.
1 x Guidance spread
52 x Week-to-a-page layouts
Notebooks to pair with:
This notebook is perfect for planning your to do list for the week, narrowing in on a single day however, the Fast Brain Daily Planner is your best friend. Interested in the bigger picture, plan your month at a time with the Future Planner.